Aprende español con SpanishCalls

Why take online lessons?

  • Because you make better use of your time and learn faster.
  • Because the attention is more personalized.
  • Because we offer you more flexibility.
  • Because if you have to travel, you can continue with your classes as usual.
  • Because the treatment is as human as in a face-to-face class.

Your advantages as a student of SpanishCalls


  • Native teacher with extensive experience, from Spain.
  • Private lessons: Specially prepared for you.
  • Flexibility: You can cancel or postpone your class without losing it. The only requirement is to give 24 hours’ notice.
  • All-inclusive package: All materials are included in the price.
  • Download session materials and keep them forever.
  • Additional material: Do you need more material to understand or practice a specific topic? No problem, we can provide extra material and recommend movies, music, etc.
  • You will also have all the benefits we offer to new students (discounts, e-books, podcasts, etc.).


Live online Spanish one-on-one lessons.
Spanish online lessons for beginners start every month.
Interactive and fun online Spanish lessons for kids.
Enhance your listening skills with our podcast.
Online Business Spanish lessons for groups.
Spanish preparation lessons for the DELE exam.

Technical requirements for the classes.


How does the payment for the classes work?


Ms. Anna was fantastic! My Spanish is already pretty decent but there are always, always things to improve. She had a great pre-test to find the best way to help me, and during the lesson she covered most of my weakest points. She made the lesson fun and informative and she’s really friendly, too! Overall I loved it!

Katelyn Richmond

Ms. Anna was really nice and friendly. She helped me understand the difference between Por and Para. Sometimes, I still confused the two. However, she taught me a different approach on distinguishing Por and Para. She even let me save the Power Point presentation for future reference. Gracias, Anna por tu ayuda. 

Veronica Tinsley

スペインへの旅行からすぐにAnna先生の授業を受けるようになりました。 それから4カ月、毎週映画の話や歴史、文化など様々な切り口での授業を楽しんでいます。 このまま来年の5月にdele B1 を受けてみたいと思います。
スペイン語のオンラインレッスンをお探しの方は是非! カタルーニャ語のレッスンも選択可能です。


(Traducido por Google) Desde hace 4 meses, llevo teniendo su clase de español cada semana. Cada vez estoy disfrutando mucho de hablar y aprender con la profesora Anna. Ahora estamos trabajando para conseguir delegar B1 en mayo que viene.
En su clase, ella utiliza muchas cosas interesantes: como las películas, la historia, el problema global, etc. Simultáneamente podríamos aprender el idioma y la cultura española / catalana.
Si quieres aprender español, ¿ porque no aprendes con ella?

Inmediatamente después de viajar a España, comencé a tomar las clases de Anna. Durante los siguientes 4 meses, disfruté de lecciones de varios aspectos, como historias de cine, historia y cultura, todas las semanas. Me gustaría recibir dele B1 en mayo del próximo año. * *

Si estás buscando clases de español en línea!カ Clases de catalán también están disponibles.
